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Contest Go To Dubai Desert Safari 4x4 Suv

Our company's goal is for you, our guests, to have an unforgettable vacation in Dubai!

  • https://graph.facebook.com/6118384108195102/picture?type=large
  • Adina N.
  • 15 August 2022
11    3393

Contest Go to Dubai Desert Safari with 4x4 suv

Our company's goal is for you, our guests, to have an unforgettable vacation in Dubai! And because our main activity is the Evening Safari, we want to share with you the joy of a day spent together in the desert heated by the love of the sun! But what could be nicer than getting a Dubai Desert Safari? All you have to do to receive a gift voucher for a Dubai Evening Safari is to participate in our contest where you can win 3 prizes consisting of:

Evening Safari Premium Package for 2 people Evening Safari

Advance Package + seats in the VIP area for 2 people

Evening Safari Advance Package for 2 people.

To participate in the contest, you need to register, subscribe to offers and news, leave a comment on this article answering the question "What is the difference between Premium Package and Advance Package?" and share this article on your facebook page. This contest starts today, August 15, 2022 and will end on September 4, 2022. The drawing will be done live on our Facebook page, via random.org (we will inform you later about the exact time).

Vouchers can be used until the end of February 2023.

Prizes consist of the Dubai Desert Safari, not the value of the packages!!!

We wish you all the best of luck!


  1. Adina Niq
    Posted by Adina Niq (Author)|2022-09-04

    Răspunsul corect este: Diferența dintre pachetul Premium și pachetul Advance este: timpul de Dune Bashing 25-30 minutes față de 20-25 minute, și ATV-ul care nu este inclus in pachetul Advance. Deoarece avem doar 2 participanți care au respectat toate cerințele concursului și au dat raspunsurile corecte, am hotărât sa dam premiile in ordinea inscrierii pe site. Aşadar, Premium Package este câștigat de... Morar Alina Oana ,iar Advance package cu locuri in zona VIP este castigat de... Tatiana Nico!

  2. Bogdan Radu
    Posted by Bogdan Radu|2022-09-04

    in advance package nu ai Quad Bike si Aer conditionat....

  3. Deea Ella
    Posted by Deea Ella|2022-09-02

    2 locuri în zona VIP!Advance face diferența!

  4. Morar Alina
    Posted by Morar Alina|2022-09-01

    The difference between the two packages are the time for dunes ,time for ATV only at premium ( quad bike) camal and sandboardging ar include în both of the packages but on advance it's short ride . BBQs it's little bit different ,belly dance and fire are în both. Both of them have Extra chargers Arabic costumes picture ,falcon etc. And the price it's different Diferența între cele două pachete consta in : Timpul dintre pachete pentru dunele de nisip, ATV,mersul cu cămilă. Gratarul(masa)

  5. Tatiana Nico
    Posted by Tatiana Nico|2022-08-29

    Premium are în plus : -20 minute Quad Bike Atv - mai multe minute de Dune Bashing (25-30 minute la Premium fata de 20-25 min. la Advanced -Camel Ride la Premium fata de Short Camel Ride la Advanced.

  6. Pollyana Mindruta
    Posted by Pollyana Mindruta|2022-08-19


  7. Crunteanu Maria
    Posted by Crunteanu Maria|2022-08-19

    Doua locuri in zona VIP pentru două persoane fac diferența dintre Premium Package și Advance Package.

  8. Adina Niq
    Posted by Adina Niq (Author)|2022-08-19

    Pentru a participa la concurs, raspunsul trebuie scris aici la comentarii si il gasiti (n.r. raspunsul) in descrierea pachetelor aici pe site. Alte raspunsuri, pe facebook sau pe mesaje nu vor fi luate in considerare!

  9. laver
    Posted by laver|2022-08-18

    tare miar placea sa vad dunele de nisip ar fi pentru mine prima experienta in viata ,ca na-m ocazie sa mi permit de asa ceva,ar fi super cool.

  10. Marisca Laura  Elena
    Posted by Marisca Laura Elena|2022-08-18

    Pentru mine nu au o diferenta anume sunt foarte convenabile amandoua dar cel Advance Package e mai avantajos ca preț si poți beneficia de acelasi confort

  11. Ancact
    Posted by Ancact|2022-08-18

    Diferenta este ca ai mai multe oferte

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